Monday, July 7, 2008
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Throw a Party!
". . . so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
In one of the most challenging verses in the New Testament as far as making it real in our lives, James encourages us to "consider it pure joy whenever you face all kinds of trials . . ." (James 1:2). Don't you wish for a life with just one little trial or even just one big trial because that would be something you think you could handle? Instead, we are most often faced with all kinds of trials! And whether it is financial stress or a job I can't stand going to every day, or one of a million other things, we can't help but ask how in the world am I supposed to make a joy-full time of it? The Word of God says consider this time, today, whatever we are going through, pure joy! Okay, I want to Lord, but how?
Why is it such a struggle? Because we are still operating as if we were not believers. We must admit that we are more disciples of convenience and comfort and selfishness than we are of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and faith. We focus our thoughts and energy on the problems in our life and throw a pity party for ourselves and probably even invite a few friends. "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to . . . ." Woe is me! I know that I've done that. And, I've certainly been invited to a few of those parties too. Not much fun. Hardly a party. Most of us, being human and sinful, want to run away from our problems or just hope that they will magically disappear. Sound familiar?
Scripture encourages us, to turn and actually face all of our trials. That simple act opens the door for joy to come in. And once on that path, we take the "measure of faith" that we have been given (and we have all received one — see Romans 12:3) and apply it in our present situation. And, having applied our faith to the situation, we simply refuse to give in. The Bible calls this stubborn refusal to give in "perseverance." Stick-to-it-iveness. Hanging in there and hanging on even if it seems only by your fingernails. And this is the place where our faith is proven.
The promise of the Word is that trials come, "to test your faith and to produce in you the quality of endurance" (James 1:3, Phillips). God has given us faith so that we can use it in our daily battle whether at home, at work, even at times in church. He wants us to take and plant our seed of faith — what we want to happen and what we believe would bring honor and glory to God — and watch it grow into something that we need today, right now.
Today, whatever trials we are facing, let's face them. With faith that they will not have the last word. Satan wants us to believe that the trials will win and that faith doesn't work. Stand against the devil. Trust your faith. Jesus has faith in you and His Faith always wins! "This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith" (1 John 5:4). Claim your victory — the faith part — and continue to believe it - the endurance part. The end result is that:
"You will be perfect and complete, not lacking anything" (James 1:4)!
Now that's cause for real joy! A day of perfect and complete, not lacking anything and all of the trials I have faced to get there don't matter! Faith wins!
Invite your friends to a faith party today! Have a joy-full faith-full day!
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